About me

I am an Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management, University of Connecticut. My research primarily focuses on the future of work, Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital platforms, and FinTech. Leveraging econometric models, field and lab experiments, and advanced machine learning techniques, I strive to understand and enhance the well-being of stakeholders in the ever-evolving landscape of the future of work.

A significant facet of my recent research centers on the transformative role AI plays in our societal and economic domains. I am deeply intrigued by the emergent dynamics of human-AI interactions, particularly examining how AI augments and molds human interactions and endeavors across diverse settings.

My research has appeared in Information Systems Research, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, and Production and Operations Management. I have received six best paper awards at major IS conferences, including the Best Paper Award at WISE, the Best Paper in Track Award at ICIS, the Best Paper Award at CSWIM, the Best Paper Award at HICSS, and the INFORMS eBusiness Best Paper Award Runner-up twice. I am honored to have received the ISS Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award, AIS Early Career Award, as well as the esteemed NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant.